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Creating a guest welcome book for your property

From city apartments to beachfront homes, no holiday rental property is the same, with each offering a unique getaway experience. However, there’s one thing that they all should share, and that’s a guest welcome book.

An essential addition to any holiday rental, a guest welcome book acts as a roadmap to guide your guests to have the most comfortable stay possible, and enables them to fill it with meaningful and memorable experiences that make their getaway all the more magical. 

If you’re hoping to create the perfect guest welcome book, look no further. Our team at Touch Stay - which specialises in creating convenient and well-crafted digital guidebooks for your guests to use - has outlined a comprehensive guide to producing a well-rounded welcome book that will no doubt impress your guests. 

What is a guest welcome book?

A guest welcome book offers all of the information your guests will need to make the most of their stay at your property, from details of how to use appliances to check-out arrangements and how to log onto the Wi-Fi. 

Not just this, but it also welcomes your guests to the local area too, allowing them to understand what’s available to them nearby. A welcome guide should also include information about where shops are, local transportation routes, as well as nearby activities and experiences.

Why you should have a guest welcome book for your property

Whilst there are numerous reasons why you should have a guest welcome book for your property, we feel that there are three key, compelling reasons why these guides shouldn’t be overlooked:

Start guests’ stay on a high

Having a guest welcome book will let your guests know that you genuinely care about the stay that they have with you and that you’re willing to go the extra mile to ensure that they have everything they need. Your guests will appreciate this and your welcome guide will leave them with a positive and lasting impression of you for the duration of their stay.

Give guests all the insight they need

Your guest welcome book acts as an informative guide for your guests to gain all of the insight that they need for their stay. By covering every detail in your welcome book, guests can rest assured that everything they could need is available at the touch of a button, making their stay all the more convenient.

Save time for all parties

Having all of your essential information in one place for your guests to review and come back to whenever they need saves them time asking you questions and you answering these questions. This means that, if guests are to get in touch with you, you know it is for good reason and it means both parties get to use their time more efficiently during any stay period.

How to present your guest welcome book

Whilst some property owners prefer to have a tangible guest guide, it’s becoming increasingly popular to craft a digital guest welcome book. 

This is the more convenient option anyway, as guests can access their welcome guide on their electronic device no matter where they are to find essential information for their stay to make it as enjoyable as possible.

Here at Touch Stay, our digital guidebooks are designed to reduce guest questions, allowing you to save time and make your guests much more comfortable and happy during their stay. Simply share the link to your welcome book with your guests and allow them to peruse all of the essential information they need to know about their stay!

What to include in your guest welcome book

So, what exactly should you include in your guest welcome book to make sure your guests have everything they could possibly want and need for their trip? We’ve made it simple for you by outlining the key sections you’ll want to include below: 

Your expectations and house rules

The expectations or house rules that you set for guests during a stay will ensure that they know exactly what they can and can’t do whilst in your property. This can be anything from stating that parties aren’t allowed to having restrictions on when to not play loud music, and even reminding them that lights need to be switched off when not in use.

The basics

There is a range of essential information that any guest will need to know when they’re staying at your property, and your guest welcome book should endeavour to highlight this from the offset. This basic information includes:

  • The contact details of the owner
  • Details for logging onto your Wi-Fi
  • The contact details of local emergency services
  • Any codes required for gates, rooms, or facilities
  • Details for parking, which may include limits on the number of vehicles allowed

Any instructions for using appliances or devices

Your holiday rental will be filled with devices and appliances that guests may or may not be familiar with using. Thus, your guest guide would benefit from having information about how to use these to avoid any difficulties or problems arising during a guest’s stay. These devices and appliances could include:

  • Dishwasher
  • TV
  • Washing machine
  • Coffee machine


Your guest welcome book should include any activities or excursions that you’d recommend guests doing during their stay. It might be that there’s a local river that is known for its kayaking experiences, or a mountain biking trail for which you can hire out bikes for the day with a local company. 

Be sure to include all essential details of the activities, such as any activity provider phone numbers, addresses, and even websites. If you have personally done any of these activities, be sure to let guests know this as they may be more compelled to do them if you’ve had a positive experience.

Make sure that you’re listing activities that can be done in different types of weather so that - no matter the time of year guests are visiting - they should always find something appropriate to do. Not only this but having a range of activities will also mean you’re accommodating to every type of traveller. Whether a history buff, a culture vulture, an adventure junkie, or a shopaholic, there should be something to suit every person’s tastes in your welcome guide!

Details of the local area

Offering your guests a low down of the local area within your guest welcome book means that they know exactly what they can get within easy reach nearby. For example, you can detail how far away the local town is, as well as basic information about:

  • Eateries
  • Green spaces, including parks
  • Grocery stores
  • Pharmacies
  • Cafés
  • Parking

Equally, if there is public transportation available nearby, share details about these public transport systems as well as their routes, timetables, operating hours, and average costs for a ticket. 

Sharing a map of the local area for guests is also particularly useful so they can get to grips with where they’re staying visually as soon as they arrive at your property, or even before.

Check out our blog to learn how to create a perfect local area guide.

Safety information 

Safety information is essential to share with guests within your guest welcome guide to protect them during their stay in the event of a dangerous or unforeseen circumstance that could put them in harm's way. This includes information about fire safety, emergency exits in your property, and even any safety features like security alarms. 


When it’s finally time to part with your guests, it’s important to share in your guest welcome book what they need to do to make checking out smooth sailing. This can be anything as simple as stating the time by which they need to have departed the property to sharing where they need to place used bedding and towels or even placing the key ready to pick up for the next guest. 


There’s nothing like sharing the positive experiences that your previous guests have had for future guests to see, and a welcome guide can be a great way to showcase the magnificent work you’ve been doing as a host to deliver exceptional stays to your guests. Lived experiences go a long way in helping guests better understand you, your property, and their holiday experience, so be sure to share a selection of your reviews in your guest welcome book for others to see. 

Your cabin guest book: what else to include?

If you are producing a cabin guest book for your cabin rental property, there are a few additional considerations you should make other than those we’ve already mentioned to ensure that your guests are as happy as they can be during their stay:

Keep things simple

Whether your property is high in the mountains or tucked on a lake, a cabin holiday is all about returning to simplicity. Having options is great, but avoid overwhelming your guests by, first and foremost, keeping your cabin guest book focused.

Help guests get outside and play

Your cabin guest book should encourage your guests to get outside and play in the big outdoors that your cabin is surrounded by, and your insider knowledge of where to go can be a big asset. Parks, lakes, and preserves can span dozens—or even hundreds—of square miles. Use your cabin guest book to provide exact directions on how to get to the places they want to go within recreation areas—like boat launches, trailheads, and scenic points. And be sure to add your own tips—like where to pick up a sandwich on the way, or how difficult a hike is.

Keep outdoor gear in mind

Keep outdoor gear in mind when producing your cabin guest book to point guests in the right direction of where to find any kit that you provide, or where to stash their own. Do you offer yard games or kayaks? Do you prefer guests stow their skis in the foyer? Or do you have a boot dryer and instructions to operate it? All of this should be stated in your cabin guest book!

Share safety tips

As your cabin is amongst nature, your cabin guest book needs to outline all of the risks that come with a stay at your property. For example, any wildlife and even unpaved roads could put guests at risk, so don’t assume that your guests have the same level of outdoor smarts you do! Keep them informed of the dangers and how to avoid them, from pulling in rubbish at night to keeping animals at bay and making sure their brake is engaged when they’re parked on your hill.

Your beach house guest book: what else to include?

If you have a beach property, be sure to tailor your beach house guest book to cover all of the essential details your guests will want to know about their stay near the sand and sea! 

Save your guests time with targeted tips

Any traveller who has picked a beach stay has a main goal to pack their stay with as much sun, surf, and sand as possible. Make it easy—and enjoyable—for them with tips in your beach house guest book that speak to the beachside experience. The less time guests spend figuring out the logistics—like parking and beach access—the more time they spend with their toes in the sand!

Consider the types of guests your beach house attracts

Different beaches have different personalities, so use your beach house guest book to share your favourites. For example, tell the family-friendly crowd where to find shallow surf shores with bathrooms and playgrounds. Direct the couples to the beaches where they can share a margarita in the sand. The same goes for restaurants nearby - be sure to include both the family-friendly options and the romantic waterfront hotspots.

Include tips for a rainy day

Another way to make guests smile with your beach house guest book? Show them their good time isn’t weather-dependent. Pinpoint places where they can make the most of a rainy day, tell them where you’ve stowed away the board games, and instruct them on how to get a movie going on the flat-screen.

Your city rental guest book: what else to include?

If your property is in the concrete jungle of a city, be sure to adapt your city rental guest book to best suit guests who are ready to make the most of their stay. Here are our recommendations:

Remember that no two city guests are exactly alike

Some make it their mission to see as many sights as they can before they skip town. Others want to immerse themselves in a particular dining, art, culture, or nightlife scene. Still, others are business travellers just looking for as simple a stay as possible. No matter what their travel goals are, all city vacationers will benefit from a guest welcome book that narrows down their wide variety of choices and makes their stay more comfortable.

City guests are often tech-savvy and discerning

City guests are often technologically equipped and savvy at searching for the best things to do, where to eat, and what to see, so using a digital guest welcome book is likely best if you have a property in the city. This is also because whilst guests will enjoy your tips and recommendations, they will also want proof that they’re the best use of their time. Using a digital guest welcome book that links to respected reviews for places you recommend, therefore, can help you earn their trust.

Include transportation advice

Because so many travellers rely on public transportation in the city - and every city’s system is different - your guest book should offer a crash course on how to get around, and what the best transport systems are for their needs. Guests will appreciate your local expertise, and you’ll have to spend less time explaining the nitty gritty details to each individual booking.


A guest welcome book will never fail to provide the essential information your guests need to ensure that their stay is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. It’s up to you, though, to ensure that it is executed to the highest standard so that your guests are as happy as they can be! We hope that this guide has succeeded in giving you the structure you need to create a successful and comprehensive guest welcome book that will leave all of your guests feeling catered to and looked after.

Here at Touch Stay, you can make your guests happy by creating a guest welcome book that is perfectly designed for your rental property. Our simple-to-use platform and fully customisable digital welcome books make it convenient for guests to get to grips with your rental, flick through your local suggestions, and gain all the essential information they need before they stay with you. 

You can learn more about our guest welcome books, or sign up for a free trial today to see how we can create the ideal digital welcome book for you.