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SOP guidebook: create standard operating procedures online

Take the hassle out of documenting procedures. Give your team the right operating instructions at their fingertips.

Make it easy for everyone. Make necessary updates instantly. Create clarity with a digital SOP guidebook.

SOP guidebook

Consistent processes, consistent results

Having standardised procedures is critical, but keeping them up-to-date and accessible can be a challenge. Don't let outdated or complicated SOPs lead to errors, quality issues and compliance risks. 

Touch Stay's digital SOP template allows you to document processes clearly and deploy the latest version effortlessly to your entire team.

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  • Achieve operational consistency across locations

  • Quickly update content when processes change

  • Ensure regulatory compliance through documented protocols

  • Onboard new employees quickly with interactive training

  • Increase productivity by eliminating guesswork

Check out an example SOP guidebook

Click to see how an event organiser uses Touch Stay as an event planning SOP to transform chaos into flawless execution. 

Stress-free event planning starts with Touch Stay!


Read what other SOP template users think and how they've put it into play ⬇️

Bolster buy-in with Memo

Share SOPs with colleagues effortlessly with our in-built messaging tool, Memo.

  • Create a schedule of prompts to encourage deep reading

  • Use QR codes & Deep Links to point people to details or updates quickly

  • Schedule regular prompts to intro newbies or remind people where to find what they need

SOP guidebook

A tool that works for you

From documenting core workflows to training new hires, we've got you covered.

Use your SOP guidebook to standardise processes, simplify employee onboarding, maintain compliance records, and so much more!

All your documentation needs are met with Touch Stay.

  • Customise content & layout to suit your needs

  • Build it on-brand using your logo, colours & tone of voice

  • Add media to aid learning: photos, videos, & diagrams

  • Link out to regulatory websites & company resources

  • Embed tests, forms or surveys to reinforce understanding or garner feedback

Frequently asked questions

Ready to create your SOP guidebook?

Or have an idea for another unique use case? Hit us up by filling in the contact form.

The answer will always be 'YES!'

As we grow the 'guide-to-anything' side of Touch Stay, we don't have a ready template for every use case, so we may need to step in with a little manual effort on our end to get you started.

Want to learn more about Touch Stay?

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